Idle youth caught knapping.

It has always been the opinion of many within the Learned Society that the young are so busy looking forward, they very rarely take the time to look to the past. To that end we founded a youth movement within the Ramblers called the Ragged Society of idle and feckless loafers. Suffice to say, membership is at present small with the notable exception of young Lady Golden Hair - ward to me, Mr Many Coats after his own parents expired during a freak accident involving carving the Christmas bird. It is of course only natural that at the festive season of the year the young Golden Hair feels their loss most keenly and in an effort to cheer the lad up last Yule and also to ween him off his addiction to touching himself down there, I Many Coats took the scamp for a days flint knapping with the master knapper, John Lord. Not only a great craftsman, but also very friendly with a most wonderful quality - Namely his sly smile and habit of laughing to himself in a knowing manner!

Young Golden Hair using a 'Soft Hammer' (Deer antler)

Young Golden Hair crafting his first flint hand axe

Half way through the day we were treated to a fine luncheon of baked potato, with beans, pickles, grated cheese and an assortment of cold meats, with copious amounts of tea. So much so that we were forced to leave our own flask tea and egg and tomato sandwiches until the drive home. That said we still tucked into the sausage, egg and chips so thoughtfully waiting for us upon our return home. Not wanting to hurt Mrs Many Coat's feelings (She has only just got over the notion that she is a tree) we scoffed the lot, whilst regaling her with stories of bulbs of percussion, indirect percussion, intrusive pressure, flaking angles, step fractures and blade cores.

Some of Golden Hair's work:
A barbed arrow head, hand axe and simple knife struck from a flint core

Thanks to John and his wife Val for a wonderful day out that this Ragged Rambler would recommend to all. To find out more visit their website...

I also heartily recommend John's book:
The Nature and Subsequent Uses of Flint Vol.1, The Basics of Lithic Technology

+Many Coats+


  1. Was there mention of 'nipples'? John and Val are rock solid folk! I am very glad to see one of the idle and feckless loafers being set to work. I would imagine that Lady Golden Hair was be a knapping natural.


  2. Correction: I would imagine Lady Golden Hair to be a knapping natural (Apologies! I have spent this Sunday sipping absinthe from my Harris Tweed goblet)


  3. Apologies: if my wits had been with me I would have posted the previous addendum as a 'reply (and this one too). Why, I find myself in a blue funk about all this muddle and confusion!


  4. Dear Ragged Society representative. I have consulted my iPhone on the matter (a worthy addition to the modern Ramblers kit) and he assures me that I am in no ways offended or dismayed by your comments. Neither is Lady Golden Hair who at this precise moment is kneeling down in front of me making the finest of footstools. As my good friend Israel Gedge is found of saying, 'idle hands do the Devils bidding' and Master Golden Hair does get awfully Devilish when left to his own devices.

  5. My iPhone asks that i make it quite clear to you all that the use of the word 'found' instead of the more correct 'fond' in the last comment was entirely my fault and had nothing to do with him. Neither can I blame absinthe as Mrs Many Coats has consumed the ruddy lot.


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