Friday 20 January 2012

Timothy Knight, RIP

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As our Reader will be aware, R.S.A.R. members are currently engaged in the gargantuan task of transcribing and interpreting the colossal archive of the legendary Eighteenth century antiquarian, Cornelius Hump, Esq. (see HERE for further information). One of his more colourful contemporaries was the notorious flirtatious dandy, Timothy Knight, Gent. 

Mr. Knight Esq., who departed this life in the year 1735, is mentioned many times in the more ribald sections of his fascinating diary. How fitting then that his recently discovered grave should be marked with the following epitaph: 

Timothy laid by day 
and by Knight
His wandering eye
in search of delight

His heart was fickle
His mind alert
To slap & tickle
and tease & flirt

The fillies can rest now
_his old man is dead
Knight hath fallen
He resteth his lead

1 comment:

  1. I note on our stats, that this post has had a prodigious quantity of hits by Ragged Rambler standards. At this rate, we'll be in double figures by the end of this week... excited!

