Sunday 3 May 2015

St Clement, Burnham Overy

Having visited St Clement's at Burnham Overy on the north Norfolk coast on a number of occasions I was excited to be back. Entering the graveyard I paused to look at the church elevated on its hillock. Fringed against a lovely blue sky interspersed with roaming clouds, it looked like a permanent part of the landscape. However, as we know, churches - like everything else - are subject to change. So, in Norman times it would have been a cruciform church with transepts. The substantial squat tower dates from that period. 

Walking up the path I was pleased to note an early 18thC gravestone memorialising Isaac Overman in the most rustic of lettering. I had to wonder if it was a palimpset; possibly previously part of a medieval mensa (altar slab)?

Walking into the church my eyes fell upon this - presumably 15thC - St Christopher. 

The chancel is a wonderful space, full of golden sunlight and atmosphere. On the right is the narrowest of aisles. 

Stepping over some cherubic angels my graffiti radar went off as I noticed a lovely dedication etched into the glass.

From where I stood I could hear fragments of a conversation taking place between my travel companions, Mr Many Coats and Aunty Gary, followed by sniggers and guffaws.

Curious, I ambled back into the nave and looked up at the object of their amusement - a lascivious, leering lion and its privvy part. This is, we assume, what is meant by a Lion Rampant!

Stepping back into the sunlight I enjoyed a slow walk around the church and looking up, noticed the fossilised gable with the steep pitch characteristic of a thatched roof of the long demolished Norman transept. 


  1. Flint knapping, I think. It's all so bloody wonderful that I sometimes find myself envious of you and your little band. I am shouting an inward huzzah, because I am not worthy of shouting an outward one, especially from this distance.

    1. Thanks Tom. Now shout 'Huzzah!' at the top of your voice! Let that inner Ragged Rambler out for all to hear
