
I don't have any idea what time is. We may share it. It can drag. Our present is fleeting; our span, transient...

... in time, some grow and blossom; we learn, we discover. We may vainly seek to measure time...

... but, always, it has the measure of us...


  1. 1666 - at least she survived the fire. Your video looks like a scene from an apocalyptic ending to one of John Gray's!

  2. Time is short and I need my rest, but I will say this. That is the first time I've seen a grinning skull on a memorial slab. Almost classic Disney in style!

    +Many Coats+

  3. And, tragically, this little mite wasn't the only child John and Elizabeth Crow lost. In fact she was their second daughter named Mary. The first one had predeceased her several years previously.

    Yes, a stoat guaranteed an apocalyptic end to this country rabbit (or so Mr. Many Coats, a man versed in country wisdom, informed me).


  4. Heckingham church my dear Mr. Many Coats! 'Time is short' indeed Sir...


  5. For some time is vey short - they never have any time at all. Or so they claim....

  6. For some time is so short they don't even have time to put an 'r' in 'very' or so it seems. Me, I have all the time in the world since I died!

  7. reminds me of the vids my mum used to play us when we were knee-high to a grasshopper... happy days!


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