In the bleak mid-winter...

Is't not the season of bare trees, snot drizzled moustaches & freezing churches?
So me thought Members could do with a warming reminder of summer Rambles that are sure to follow...
After all, Pliny says, longissimus dies cito conditur...
... even the longest day soon comes to an end.

The Secretary


  1. I've missed you, lads!

  2. Egad! The Secretary is back... or is she? How do we know it really is him?

  3. The last I heard she was buried beneath an avalanche of books. Shoddily built shelves will do it every time

  4. Filbert Dentresangle11 February 2012 at 11:16

    I did rather think the Secretary was a beautiful result of a twisted mind!

  5. I like winter. Less digging to be done.

  6. I'm with Elias. Nothing like a cold walk crunching through the snow and then home to a roaring fire, a great pot of tea and a dusty volume from the shelf. I'm working my way through Dickens at the moment...

  7. Dash it! The Winter season is a challenge to those members of The Society who are no longer with us. Why, we may be dead, but, by Golly, we feel the cold!


  8. You never met my wife Colonel. As cold as flask tea spilt upon the frost bitten flagstones of a church porch open to the worst of the winter elements. I love being dead. Gives me time to catch up with me reading don't you know. I'm working my way though Dickens at the moment.


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