Goolie The Heritage Cat

This is Goolie - Goolie The Heritage Cat...

Goolie is a trained Interpretative Guide. Here he is in North

Tuddenham church, making a comparison between contemporary Neo-

liberal privatisation and the Henrician Reformation
As they stand on the sawn-off section of the Rood screen,
Goolie explains the sacred-spatial 'zoning' in the mediaeval
English church
Coming from a long line of Interpretative Heritage
guides, he benefits from an amazing genetic
adaptation. He has two faces, which enables him
to address an audience and maintain eye contact,
whilst - simultaneously - looking at the things
they are facing, behind him. 

What a cat!


  1. That is a really good and original idea! and the cat is really cute!

    is this an idea of yours or is it an actually thing?

    1. Dear wuhstry,

      I hope things are good with you in beautiful Winchester (with its long cathedral and deep sea diver - and much more besides!). I can't imagine any other heritage/history site that would enlist the services of a brass heritage cat, can you? Yes, he's one of us! Goolie is a bit straight-laced at times, but - we agree - he's an endearingly cute little critter.


  2. ... and if you want to spread word of Goolie, please feel free to do so by social media, word of mouth - or even, smoke signals and drums if that is your thing.


  3. It should have been me Ragged Ramblers. It should have been meoooooow!

  4. A lovely little cat... I had a cat. It sat on my lap. The warmth and moisture caused me a nasty little fungal infection, "down there" (if you know what I mean)... still sore now

  5. I had a dog food collection. People would always be amazed 'cause I didn't own a dog. I pointed out to them that if I had a dog I'd have to feed it and then I wouldn't have a dog food collection. I don't have a dog food collection anymore... I got a dog!


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