Curious mis-filings by Mme Contributions Secretary

Update: due to very sensitive Society data, parts of this post have been redacted.

Occasionally, the learned Society receive correspondence from various organisations and our esteemed Cont. Sec (God bless her) dutifully reads and files the missives. etetetetete

Whilst awaiting my tea and crumpets, this morning, I decided to venture into the study and have a browse through some of the archives. Entering the room and inhaling the glorious fragrance of old books and past Antiquarians, I moved towards the array of cabinets marshalled along the red, ggdggdfgdfdf flock-covered wall.


Pulling open a heavy drawer, my fingers danced over the handwritten labelled, foolscap files, brushing small crumbs of lemon drizzle cake from the papers contained within.
"What's this?" I pondered, casting my gaze over a rather dog-eared section at the rear of the cabinet.
Labelled -  Unfortunate medical conditions encountered by... I lifted out the file and a picture fell from within.
I smiled and uttered a familiar friendly rebuke many a Rambler makes when seeing a mistake by the Cont.
"tsk tsk"
I wondered how many letters were secured in the Society annals that were forgotten because of mis-filing.

Opening the file, a letter lay within.


So that we may share for you to see, the Letter can be viewed.

I shall leave you to make of this what you will.

More from the archives will follow, my tea and crumpets have arrived, so TTFN.


  1. In those heady days, when I was courting 'the wife', I recall my dear mother emphasising to me how important it was that any future wife, entering the chains of the Tweeder-Harris family, embrace the concept of gas. Suffice it to say, when quizzed, Gwendoline was most effusive about this subject - and remains so to this day!


  2. Having consulted Mrs Many-Coats (Kimboliena) on this very subject, she was alas dismissive of the movement and when I challenged her saying that she should take an interest in both Women's and bowel movements, she merely remarked that she 'didn't give a fart' and laughed like a mad women in an attic.

    What she found so funny I simply cannot fathom.


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