An Extremely Rare Rood Survivor!

Click on the (wonky!) photo and it will grow
We recently happened upon this: an astonishing survivor - a late medieval rood loft and parapet (with a Victorian rail), located in All Saints church, Upper Sheringham, Norfolk. How or why it survived, we have no idea... we are only glad that it has. 

In particular, our eyes were drawn to the fantastic dragons carved into the spandrels. From brain, through steady hand via the chisel, this little vision was created sometime over five hundred years ago by a man who had no idea that he was medieval. If I could time travel back, I would shake his hand, tell him that - as a pre-Reformation craftsman - I deem him to be medieval. I would then look into his (no doubt!) baffled eyes and say, 
"Well done! Splendid work. It will live down the ages"

