He Must Grumble - He's Frank Crumble


The face of Frank Crumble

As a gaggle of Ragged Ramblers sat on a bench within the porch of Holy Trinity, West Runton, we noticed a malevolent face glowering at us low down in the plaster wall opposite. We asked the face its name and learned that this is Frank Crumble. Here is a poem about Mr. Crumble...

Tired of watching the 

dangling balls of 

resting old gents 

in safari shorts 

the silly old fools! 


Too many flasks 

and too many pies 

and triangle-cut sarnies offending my eyes 


Too many flasks and 

hot steaming teas 

perched precariously on knobbly old knees 


My name is Frank Crumble 

I'm stuck in this wall 

My name is Frank Crumble 

and I hate you all!

~ Munro Tweeder-Harris Esq. ~


  1. I profess to be a long time acquaintance of old Frank. Oh the japes. He used to call me Apple. I used to call him blackberry.


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