Thursday 11 April 2024

An End and a Beginning: Ragged Ramblers to Wanderings of a Fallible Flâneur

Sunsets and sun rises - the world keeps on turning

Contributing to the creative collective that has been the 'Ragged Ramblers' has been a richly rewarding experience. I make no apologies for the fact that it must have sometimes seemed to 'Our Reader' quite anarchic; flitting randomly from the poetic to the absurd; the contemplative to the surreal. If we confused/amused/entertained/stimulated you, then that is all to the good. 

The 'roots' of this blog was predicated on the idea that exploring heritage spaces was about activating both hemispheres of our brains: the 'Pevsner' side, seeking to understand and explain the sites; the 'Betjamin' sphere, being more emotionally atuned, engaged and inspired. There was also the mis-wired 'corpus callosum' - the wiring between both sides - in which, perhaps, our finest moments happened. It was that latter part,  that resulted in our 'Tea Chi' video and the ridiculous obsessiveness of the fictional 'Antiquarian Food Surveillance Institute', diligently spying on us Ragged Ramblers in order to discover our dietary habits. 

It has been a blast and I thank 'Our Reader' for taking time to explore our blog and share our visions. However, everything has its time and we have reached the conclusion of this particular venture. Finally, I - the Ragged Rambler, Munro Tweeder-Harris, Esq. - have recently launched (if that isn't too dramatic a word for it) a new heritage-inspired blog. It will be, I think, a lot more 'sedate' than The Ragged Society of Antiquarian Ramblers, but I hope that some of you will join me there and continue to share my heritage-inspired explorations. My blog is called, 'Wandering of a Fallible Flâneur' and can be found via the following link:

Wanderings of a Fallible Flaneur

Adieu & Thanks!

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